Wednesday, 28 March 2007

And you Sir, are. . . ?

With the increasing tendency in our society to marry and have children much later in life - then to re marry (or not) and start again, it's often difficult to know the father from the grandfather. It seams this problem perplexes others two but till today, I've never been too sure how to find out with out sounding impertinent. However, a lady who seemingly also wondered simply popped her head into Su-Jins pram during our afternoon walk today and asked me, ", , , and what does this little beauty call you?" So totally PC for an older lady, not a hint of assumed gender of the child, or of my part in his/her progeny. Totally disarmed I simply said, 'Granddad" The big smile that followed suggested I'd given the answer she hoped for.

Dam - I thought I looked much younger than that!

1 comment:

John Mullis said...

but John, you do.