Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Now that's a real job

To be perfectly honest, I'm really only a part time child minder. I actually get evenings and weekends off to recharge my batteries, so this Easter weekend I've been doing a little socialising. Nothing too hectic but it's great to meet other adults outside of Plunket, baby doctors or supermarket checkout assistants. My biggest challenges on such occasions is justifying my existence to new people I meet. Though some think being a 'solo granddad' is pretty cool (even if a little crazy) others just look blankly at one: as though one had two heads! Ok it gets the sympathy vote but it doesn't generate a lot of street cred(abiliy)' No one takes you very seriously. Like, oh yeah granddad, get a hair cut and get a real job!

I wonder if I should try upgrading the title from child minder to Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations."

Mmmmm, now thats something you could be taken seriously about!

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