Saturday, 7 April 2007

Easter Greetings

It's Easter. The first in seven years where I can not smell fresh blossom on the trees, see spring flowers breaking through the hard ground of winter past, or hear the sound of a Cuckoo or a Robin. Instead, the late summer days here in NZ turn my thoughts toward the cold months still to come. To preparing winter soups and casseroles, enjoying an early evening beside the fire or wrapping up warm to walk along a windswept west coast beach feeling the salt spray on my face. These are the memories of Easter in youth and they, just like Easters blossoms, remind me that spring is on its way.

Meanwhile I'll take my copy of Bach's St Matthew's' Passion out of it's plastic CD case and a nice bottle of Merlot from the shelf and reflect on the Easter message and the joys of spring.

Happy Easter

Ps: The photo is of Spanish penitents going to confession during Holy Week as we saw them when we were living in Altea.

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