Sunday, 3 June 2007

Missing in action?

I don't think anyone who knows me would describe me as an emotional person: probably more of the pragmatist. However, over the last several days I've become increasingly anxious, and worried about the safety of someone I've never spoken with, written to or met.

Laila is a fellow blogger. A Palestinian mother with a 2 year old boy, living in Gaza and working as a freelance journalist for the Guardian, Washington Post and Aljazeera. Her blog started 2 years ago with the birth of her son Yousuf , and records (in a non political style) her life as a mother on her own (husband has refugee status in US so can not return to Gaza) living in a country that is under occupation, economically disadvantaged and just downrigh dangerous.

As a professional writer, Laila posts blog entries once, sometimes twice a day, depending on what's happening. Her last blog was posted more than 10 days ago and was written as an Israeli gun ship hovered right over her apartment and took out the next door building which housed a money exchange, raising it to the ground.

I guess she is typical of many 'ordinary citizens' that get caught up in political power games and if killed, would simply be referred to by the media as "collateral damage, militant or refugee". I found it easy,in the past, to remain objective about such human suffering. but it makes a difference if it's someone you know, or think you know.

As a grand parent I simply hope that the world Yousuf and Sujin inherit will have learned to get on with itself and value human rights above power. - Yeah, right!

1 comment:

Annabelle said...

I know this blog and just after the afternoon-news today I think about her too. You are right, no post on her blog since 10 days. Maybe no eletricity, no way to communicate... I feel the same about knowing the existence of someone you don’t know. Very sorry for my english...