Friday, 20 July 2007

The Transatlantic Cultural Gap

I suppose our nearest 'brush' with the UK Celebrity Culture was the fact that we lived just a few doors from where the once famous Spice Girl, Posh, and the now famous Victoria Beckham used to live

Despite her mega stardom in the UK ,it seems her mana failed to follower her across the Atlantic where her promotional Reality TV special 'Victoria Beckham comes to America was described by the critic from the New York Post as; 'an orgy of self-indulgence so out of whack with, er, reality. Going on (in love of course) she described Mrs Beckham as "relentlessly self-promoting" and "vapid and condescending" The LA Times was more sympathetic, saying only of her 60 minute TV Show that well, she 'got her 15 minute of fame' Which ever way you look at it, it seems the program did not find favour with the Yanks.

On a kinder note, I think our old neighbour just misjudged the enormous cultural gap that exists between the two countries. Despite speaking the same language and sharing a similar historical perspective, what works in one culture does not automatically translate to the other.

As Winston Churchill said of Anglo/US. relationships, 'two great nations separated by one common language'.

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