Tuesday, 31 July 2007

More to Islam than an Arab pot of gold

One of the biggest debates in New Zealand at the moment, if not the biggest, centers around the possible sale of the Auckland International Airport. In recent days a very generous take over offer has been received from Dubai Aerospace Enterprises for $NZ 2.6 billion. The rationale in recommending shareholders reject the offer would, it seems, be based not so much on economic or commercial considerations as the price offered is considered a generous one, as on political expediencies and prejudice.

In an interview with local media today, visiting British MP George Galloway simply poses the question, 'why sell to anyone?' I think his reasoning makes good sense and also challenges us to look closely at what may be a growing sense of Islamophobia on our part.

The link below is to a short video recording of his intweview with the NZ Dominion Post News Paper this morning. It's well worth the 3-4 minutes it will take to listen to it.

>>George Galloway discusses Islam in NZ

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