Friday, 2 May 2008

Carpe Diam

It used to be called ' Mid-Life Crisis.'

It occurred in your mid forties with the realization that the goals you set yourself in your 20's were overly ambitious, and that time was running out.

It's a social 'gloom & doom' phenomena that is all too familiar in western society.

However today sociologists are more likely to talk about second half of life issues and a quick search of Google will bring up over 27,000 occurrences of the term in less than 0.8 seconds.

But is this just a positive spin on a negative value, or is there something more to it?

Whilst I'm not a Greek scholar I believe the term dire crisis, which we use to imply impending doom is actually derived from two Greek words that more literally translate 'on the verge of change'.

. . . . . .Change, not doom!

For my generation (Boomers) the concept of second half of life presents a crossroad of enormous choice & opportunity.

A much better option than mid life crisis. It's a (last) chance to do the things you've always wanted to do, but never had time.

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