Thursday, 9 August 2007

Say aaah

You know, it's what the doctor makes you say when you have a mouth full of finger and wooden spatula!

But did you know that the aaah sound has much more profound, even spiritual connotations, at least according to Dr Wayne W Dyer, well known author of such 'self help' books as 'Your Erroneous Zones', 'Pulling Your Own Strings' and the one I'm currently reading, 'Manifest your Destiny'

According to the good doctor, it's the one sound that is common to God, no matter what you call him: Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, 'Krishah, Brama, Siddah, etc. etc., all stem from the aaah sound.

It's also the cry of a new born baby as it draws it's first breath, and is the only sound humans can make effortessly by simply breathing out, and without moving the lips, tongue, jaw or teeth.

According to Dr Wayne aaah is not only the sound of creation, but it also happens to be the sound of joy and delight Aaah, the sound that accompanies the act of procreation, (think about it), the primary vowel sound and the first phonetic letter of the alphabet!

Interstingly in Hebrew, as you may know, the vowels are not written into the word but left for the reader to fill in as the words are spoken out. However, as it is forbidden in Jewish culture to speak the name of God, the name of Yahweh (written yhwh) is simply said as an exhaled breath, aaah!, implying that God is as essential to life as breathing and as prayer itself.

This is the sound we need to make to connect with God, says Dyer, ideally as a mantra and ideally at dawn!

Hhmmm, can't be too haaard, I'll let you know how I get on!

1 comment:

kiwimum said...

I like the sentiment John - certainly find it interesting to consider the significance of the utterance of 'aaah!' - resonnates with me - shalom
Stephen O