Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Bush warns of dangers in withdrawing from Iraq

Because of the very remote areas we travelled through last year we were almost totally cut off from international news for almost seven months. For many of us this meant going cold turkey from something we had fed on daily (even hourly) almost all our lives. So on the rear occasions when a CNN or a BBC connection was available, we sat transfixed around the TV to scare and horrify our selves once more.

However, back now in a western civilisation, the international soap opera called World News, invades and bombards us from every angle. So much so that its easy to suffer from News Fatigue. To just mentally skim the headline without giving a second thought for the human story that always lies beneath.

This week it's the 'will we won't we pull out of Iraq and if so, when' episode. Beneath all the political pros and cons I discovered this letter. It was written by an Iraqi woman called Shahla who escaped from Baghdad in 2003 to live & study in Boston. Her letter was published in the National Catholic Reporter and is well worth reading.

Use this link to read her letter.

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