It was one year ago today that we set out from Southampton on our Off Road Odyssey , crossing the globe (overland) from west to east through some of the most remote and inhospitable places on the face of the planet. And we made it, unscathed!
Wonderful memories of Samarkand, The Gobi desert, Everest, the Serengeti and the Zambezi. To adapt a line from the Mastercard advertisement:-
Somethings are priceless. . . . for everything else, there's photographs
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
First Anniversary
Posted by
John Mullis
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Labels: Reflection
Monday, 28 May 2007
Another milestone
Another tooth popped through this morning.
That's TWO down and eighteen more to go!!!
Posted by
John Mullis
Monday, May 28, 2007
Labels: Milestone
Sunday, 27 May 2007
I met William a couple of weeks ago. I don't know much about him, just a man at church, but I instantly liked him. He's about my own age and, like me, has just returned to NZ after a number of years absence. Like me he has been involved, during his time away, in international aid work, something or other in Bangladesh, for the World Bank for a couple of years, and has lived the rest of the time in the UK.
We met again today after church and the conversation went something like this;
Me: So, how long since you arrived back William?
William: Only a month, but I'm finding it harder to settler back than I thought I would.
Me: Do you feel guilty about that? as if you should just slip back into the space you left 5 years ago?
William: Actually, that's exactly how I do feel, guilty. But worse, i find my self not wanting to pick up where I left off and fighting against being enculturalised, kiwi-ised again.
Me: Would you go back again, if you could?
William: In a flash only it would be financial suicide. I'm too old to make up the financial ground I'd need to in order to live as well there, as I can here. The value of the NZ dollar you know.
Snap! I knew just how he felt, and it was good to know that someone else understood. That I wasn't abnormal, unpatriotic or a try-hard winging Pom. Just no longer the person I was seven years ago. And that's OK!
So I can sit here, sip my Tetley's and watch my Podcast of BBC Breakfast and the 10 O'clock News and feel perfectly normal!
Posted by
John Mullis
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Labels: Reflection
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
The only consistent thing about 'normal' is that it gets worse!!
Adapting from the life of 'adventurer extrordinair,' scaling Everest and canoeing down the Zambezi has not been without its challenges. Slowing down and learning to live at Sujins pace and coping with days characterised by endless interruptions has: I must admit it has had me on my toes!
Over the last several days however, I've been reading the blogs of two Palestinian women. Young mothers trying to cope with not only raising their children alone, but with living amid the confusion and chaos going on around them as Gaza's streets burn and are over run with armed checkpoints, indiscriminate gunfire and constant rocket bombardment. Writiing about the effect of all this on her young son,Yousef, Leila said,
"Yousef of course became more and more concerned as the day day passed, until I finally told him they were not firing, but rather making an enormous pot of popcorn outside that would fill the streets once it was done. At first he wasn't convinced, then he later remarked "mama, I don't really like this kind of popcorn!". When the firing died down, he ran into my room excitedly shouting: "mama, mama! I think the popcorn is done!!""
By comparison, that makes my job here in the peace and quiet of western suburbia seem relatively easy and my stress-ors rather insignificant, but the amazing thing about it all is our ability, as human beings, to adapt, just like Yousef did, and the way 'normal' becomes whatever is going on in your life at the time.
It also makes me aware of the frustrations Sujin must have, with so many thoughts and questions bouncing round in her little head, like gun fire, and no effective way of expressing them. Let's hope that the world she and Yousef inherit is better than the one in which their parents now struggle.
Posted by
John Mullis
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Labels: Reflection
Saturday, 12 May 2007
The End of the Golden Weather
The prolonged summer we enjoyed is now over and autumn is well and truly with us. Because of this, our afternoon walks often find us at the local shopping centre. It is affectionately known by our family as 'The Inferno', ... somewhere you could imagine being consigned to for eternity if you died and had not lead a good life. It's retail mania gone manic and its claustrophobic arcades,its lack of natural light and its bland exterior well qualify it for the 'least imaginative architectural award for 2005.' It's Hell, but it's where Sujin and I make for on cold rainy days as its warm, its dry, there's plenty of 'buzz' and there's lots to look at. Good coffee too.
It's also an important part of her social development creating a familiarity with her environment as we stop and talk with acquaintances we meet, as we pass familiar land marks; the school, the church, park and library and as we simply sit and watch all the surrounding activity.
Whilst I'm sure all this could be achieved without visiting the Inferno, it will have to do till the good weather returns or till they build something better!
(apologies to Bruce Mason , NZ Playwright, for stealing his title)
Posted by
John Mullis
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Labels: Reflection
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Shades of Gray
By comparison with me, Sujins mind is so uncluttered. Every situation she encounters is of equal worth and recorded, without prejudice or past experiences, at face value. Nothing is ever strange or weird or offensive. It just is, what ever it just is.
It was probably like that for me too at 6mths, but then it changed. When I was a young man, life still seemed un complicated, but in truth, things were simply either black, or white. If they were black I just disregarded them out of hand, and if they were white, I simply popped them away with the rest of my prejudices. Life scarcely skipped a beat no matter how complex the issue. It was easy, but the price was high. The prejudices of my world view had robbed life of it's mystery and it's awesome magic, a perspective Sujin is now helping me rediscover, with all its many shades of gray.
"Alas that Spring should vanish
with the rose!
That youth's sweet-scented
manuscript should close!
The Nightingale that in the
branches sang,
Ah, whence, and whither flown
again,who knows? Rubaiyat - Omar Khayyam
NB - First tooth broke through 4th May!!!
Posted by
John Mullis
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Labels: Reflection