Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Children learn by imitating.

I remember a cartoon I saw many years ago in a local newspaper.

It showed two young boys. One was crying in a corner while his elder brother, who had been fighting him, was being 'punished' by his angry father.

The caption simply read

'Boy, I'll teach you to fight with your little brother!"

The sad thing was, that is just what the father was doing. Modeling violence for his older son.

The attached video shows much the same thing. It depicts Arab & Israeli children 'at play' though it could just as easily be Catholic and Protestant children in Belfast or playground violence in your local school.

Despite the political bias of the video the end result is the same: violence hatred and prejudice is being invested into the future as children on both sides imitate their parents behaviour and practice how to behave themselves when they grow up.

A two nation solution in Palestine by 2009 may tear down the 'Walls of Shame' that physically divide Israel and Palestine but it will take generations to remove the walls that divide their hearts.

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