The leaders of New Zealand churches are deeply concerned about the dire situation in Gaza and support the call for an immediate ceasefire in the region
The escalation of violence and associated increase in civilian casualties is intolerable. It is time for concerted action to end the suffering of the 1.5 million people trapped within the 360 square kilometers of Gaza with little food, water and medicine, and under almost continuous attack from the land, sea and air.
Before the collapse of the ceasefire in December, the borders of Gaza were tightly controlled and movement in and out very difficult. Now the conditions are much more lethal. The consequences of this unparalleled pressure cannot be underestimated. Already many innocent civilians have been killed and injured. People are living in perpetual fear and growing numbers of people are in desperate need of food and water as well as medical treatment. The trauma will have a lasting effect on everyone and is undermining any possibility of negotiating a just and sustainable peace.
To date the international community has failed to broker a lasting peace. We urge the New Zealand government to do all that it can through the United Nations and through its own diplomatic efforts to call a halt to Israel’s military offensive and the Hamas attacks. New Zealand has an obligation to uphold the international community’s ‘Responsibility to Protect’ populations from war crimes as agreed at the United Nations’ Millennium Summit.
As followers of Jesus, who exercised his ministry of reconciliation in this troubled region, Christians are deeply concerned about Jewish-Palestinian enmity. While religion is often tragically used to fuel inherited hostilities, it can also be a force for shalom/salaam. It is our hope and prayer that all adherents of the three Abrahamic faiths in that region (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) might truly seek the way of peace and reconciliation to which their scriptures bear witness.
We encourage church members and all people of goodwill to:
Pray for the victims and perpetrators of violence in Gaza and Israel.
Pray for the success of diplomatic efforts between Hamas, the Israeli Government and the international community.
Pray for peace and reconciliation.
Advocate for the New Zealand government, world leaders and the United Nations to take effective action to renew the ceasefire in Gaza and work towards a just resolution of the conflict in the interests of long term security and peace.
Support the Christian World Service and Caritas Gaza Appeals providing desperately needed food, fuel, water and medicines in Gaza.
13 January 2009
Jabez Bryce, Bishop of Polynesia
Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
John A Dew, Archbishop of Wellington
Roman Catholic Church of New Zealand
Rodney Macann, National Leader
Baptist Union of New Zealand
Garth McKenzie, Territorial Commander
The Salvation Army
David Moxon, Senior Bishop of the New Zealand Dioceses
Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
Graham Redding, Assembly Moderator
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
Mia Tay, Clerk
Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa New Zealand
Religious Society of Friends
Brown Turei, Bishop of Aotearoa
Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
Jill van der Geer, President
Methodist Church of New Zealand
A Prayer for Palestine
Loving God
Who cares for each one of us like a mother cares for her children
We pray for the people of Gaza: rich and poor, young and old, armed and peace-seeking
We pray for your protection in this time of desperation.
Lord have mercy in this time of great need.
We pray for those who have the power to bring hope
For those who operate the weapons that cause so much destruction, those who inflame the conflict with words and those who can broker the peace that is so urgent.
Lord have mercy in this time of great need.
We pray for the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees as they struggle to offer the means of life to so many people in need while dealing with their own trauma and suffering. We pray for the members of ACT International who are trying to deliver food and medical assistance in the most dangerous circumstances.
Lord have mercy in this time of great need.
Help us not to turn away.
In our words and our actions help us all to work for an end to the violence that holds all sides captive.
Let us forge new ways of peace that help to spread justice in this world that you have created.
In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, we pray.
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